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The Hub, formerly the Cook County Senior Center, offers intergenerational activies--and more. Photo courtesy of The Hub

The Hub offers intergenerational activities

The Hub, formerly known as the Cook County Senior Center, is home to a myriad of activities. Some geared for senior citizens, but others for all ages.

Sled dogs in winter. Photo by Anastasia Gill

Sled Dogs, Cold Toes, and Gal from Texas Podcast: Episode 12

This weekly podcast about is all about mushing and sled dogs.  The stories are told from the perspective of a young woman from Houston who is experiencing snow for the first time.

North Shore Yetis volleyball - Photo courtesy of the team

North Shore Yetis play strong at tournament

The North Shore Yetis, a team of ten Cook County girls who play in a regional volleyball league, had a great showing at a tournament at Ordean East in Duluth on Sunday, February 23.  

Art and Beth Kidd with their solar powered greenhouse - Photo by Will Moore

Powering Down - Off Grid with Art and Beth Kidd

Powering Down is a new series on WTIP taking a look at off-grid lifestyles and homes using alternative energy in Cook County.

Robotics team members load the  IceStorm 3045 robot. Photo by Rhonda Silence

Cook County Robotics prepares for Duluth competition in March

Cook County-School District 166 has had a robotics team for more than a decade. The current robotics team is preparing for a regional competition on March 5-7.

Karen Obinger of the Grace Notes

Northern Music Hour: Local Cook County trio, The Grace Notes, explores Scandinavian folk music

The Northern Music Hour is a one-hour program exploring the musical heritage of the North Shore's Scandinavian settlers.

Matt Conlin and his daughters at the Father-Daughter Dance 2019

Girl Scouts host annual Father-Daughter Dance, Feb. 19

Cook County Girl Scouts are once again hosting a Father-Daughter Dance. The event is a fun-filled, family evening for daughters and their dads, grandfathers, uncles—any trusted adult.

Photo by normanack via Flickr and Creative Commons (

Northern Gardening: Vegetable seeds for northern climates

February's edition of Northern Gardening is all about "great vegetable seeds for Northern Climates". 

Sumitted by Deane Morrison

Northern Sky: February 15-28, 2020

Deane Morrison is a science writer for the University of MN and authors the Minnesota Starwatch column, and in this feature she share what there is to see in the night our region.