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Polar Plunge Duluth 2020 participants - Heather Smith, Bryann Bockovich, Monica Wilson - Photo by Rhonda Silence

Grand Marais women taking the plunge for Special Olympics

Every year, thousands of people jump into freezing cold water to support Special Olympics Minnesota.


North Shore Health Care Foundation Update - Valerie Eliasen

North Shore Morning host Brian Neil talks with North Shore Health Care Foundation Executive Director, Valerie Eliasen for a report on the February NSHCF Board meeting.

North Shore PeeWees.  Submitted photo.

North Shore Peewees undefeated heading into districts

The North Shore PeeWees won their final league game of the year this last week.  The team finished 15-0 in MN District 11 league play and overall 27-0 in the regular season.  Districts will

sled dog puppies - photo by Anastasia Gill

Sled Dogs, Cold Toes, and Gal from Texas Podcast: Episode 11

In this episode of the podcast, Anastasia gets back on the sled for some practice runs, but things don't go quite as expected.

Pete Sutton.  Photo by Tim Young.

Sutton becomes fourth Viking boy to score 1,000 points

During a game against Two Harbors on Jan.

BJ Muus and Leonard Sobanja - January 2020. Photos by Rhonda Silence

Speaking with BJ Muus and Leonard Sobanja

BJ Muus and Leonard Sobanja—familiar names for many of us on the North Shore. Both men are full of wit and wisdom, yet are decidedly different.

Photo courtesy of the Alpine team

Cook County skiers qualify for state meet

The Cook County Alpine ski team traveled to Giant's Ridge this week on Tuesday for the section 7 meet.  118 girls and 113 boys competed in the meet.

Scott Oeth - Photo via Facebook

Money Matters - Scott Oeth

Money Matters is a new feature on WTIP's North Shore Morning.

Musher Frank Moe. Submitted photo

Sled Dogs, Cold Toes and a Gal from Texas Podcast: Episode Ten

In this episode of the podcast, Anastasia learns firsthand what the John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon is all about.

North Shore Health Dietary Cook Sue Kiel - Photo by Rhonda Silence

Susan Kiel receives recognition for extra efforts at North Shore Health

LeadingAge Minnesota is a statewide organization that works with over 60,000 caregivers across the state to provide compassionate care to ol