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Scott Oeth - Photo via Facebook

Money Matters - Scott Oeth - April 2020

"Money Matters" with Scott Oeth
April 01, 2020

North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Scott Oeth about managing our finances during this volatile time.

The Cook County Community YMCA is still offering childcare.  WTIP file photo.

Cook County YMCA makes changes in operations regarding COVID-19

Like so many other organizations, the Cook County YMCA announced many temporary changes this week.

Iris on her way to her new home - Photo by Anastasia Gill

Sled Dogs, Cold Toes, and Gal from Texas Podcast: Episode 15

In this final edition of Sled Dogs, Cold Toes and a Gal from Texas, Anastasia gives an emotional farewell to Minnesota and Moetown racing after a sudden departure.

Moetown team at Copper Dog race in Houghton- photo by Frank Moe

Sled Dogs, Cold Toes, and Gal from Texas Podcast: Episode 14

In this edition of Sled Dogs, Cold Toes and a Gal from Texas, Anastasia updates us from Houston about how Moetown Racing did at the Copper Dog sled dog race in Houghto

Star Map March 2020

Northern Sky: March 14 - 27

Northern Sky – Deane Morrison
March 14-27, 2020

Hockey players Brody Bronikowski and Rayce Gibson on air. Photo by Casey Bronikowski

North Shore Storm PeeWee B team heading to state competition

The North Shore Storm PeeWee “B” team is headed to the state tournament in New Ulm, March 13-15.


North Shore Health Care Foundation Update - Valerie Eliasen

North Shore Morning host, Jaye White talks with North Shore Health Care Foundation Executive Director, Valerie Eliasen about Restorative Justice and others topics covered during the NSHCF Board meetin

Doug Turner with his solar array

Powering Down - Doug Turner

A former firefighter from Columbia, Missouri, Doug Turner is a WTIP jazz host and a man endlessly fascinated by science.

Spring sunrise over Lake Superior by Travis Novitsky

North Woods Naturalist: Early March observations

This time of the year is the beginning of the transition from winter to spring.  There's lots of activity starting up in the woods, but there's still cold weather and snow.  Naturali

Sawtooth Mountain Elementary Students of the Month for February 2020. Photo courtesy of the school

Sawtooth Mountain Elementary announces February "Students of the Month"

Thank you to School District 166 Principal Megan Myers who shared this photo of the February 2020 “Students of the Month” at Sawtooth Elementary.