Community Stories
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Public health and the first case of COVID-19 in Cook County - a community conversation
Joe Friedrichs-It’s been more than a month since our last community conversation on WTIP t
LSProject: Northeast Minnesota - A history of fire, ice and inland seas
-Northeast Minnesota has undergone many geologic events to produce the landscape we know today.
Community members work to create a "Serenity Garden" at North Shore Health
Rhonda Silence-Salute the Class of 2020 in their graduation parade!
Rhonda Silence-Although there won’t be traditional commencement exercises for the Class of 2020, there is a celebration.
Voices of COVID-19 Podcast - Brian Lucas
-Brian Lucas lives in the Twin Cities. His parents have property in Cook County and Brian’s daughters have been coming to the North Shore all of their lives.
Congratulations CCHS Class of 2020!
-Throughout this week WTIP has been sharing the names of a few of our graduates, followed by a special message from the commencement ceremony participants—the school and community members who wou
Elements of Craft: Stones
Will Moore-Elements of Craft returns in 2020! This radio series and podcast focuses on natural materials used by artisans, in partnership with North House Folk School.