Community Stories
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WTIP hosts county commissioner primary forum - District 4
-The Cook County primary ballots have been mailed. They need to be returned on or before Aug. 11 and in the meantime WTIP is holding two live on-air primary forums.
Grand Marais musician Derek Smith in New Zealand on COVID-19
Rhonda Silence-Derek Smith grew up on the North Shore and is well known locally for his musical talents. In fact, he has been a guest performer on WTIP.
WTIP hosts county commissioner primary forum - District 2
Joe Friedrichs-The Cook County primary ballots have been mailed. They need to be returned on or before Aug. 11 and in the meantime WTIP is holding two live on-air primary forums.
Grand Marais Lions working to present music, fishburgers and fireworks in August
Rhonda Silence-Fisherman's Picnic was cancelled for 2020 because of the concerns over COVID-19.
Grand Portage Tribal Councilman John Morrin shares thoughts on Washington football team name change
Rhonda Silence-Members of Minnesota Native nations gathered at the American Indian Center in Minneapolis on Monday, July 13, to celebrate the announcement that the Washington NFL team would no longer be called
North Shore Health Care Foundation Update - Valerie Eliasen
-WTIP's North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Valerie Eliasen for the North Shore Health Care Foundation update.
LSProject: John Linklater - Superior National Forest woodsman and game warden
-Northern Minnesota has had its share of skilled woodsmen and canoeists, including John Linklater.
Quetico Ranger Janice Matichuk shares an update with WTIP
Joe Friedrichs-Janice Matichuk is the longest serving ranger in the history of Quetico Provincial Park.
Celebrating community volunteers: Meals on Wheels going strong
Rhonda Silence-WTIP’s summer pledge drive is a celebration of volunteers—the people who share their time and talents with WTIP North Shore Radio.
Celebrating community volunteers: Putting on a light show
Rhonda Silence-WTIP’s summer pledge drive is a celebration of volunteers—the people who share their time and talents with WTIP North Shore Radio.