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The cast of The Remarkable Susan, a timeless production about voting rights. Photo courtesy of Grand Marais Playhouse

Grand Marais Playhouse to live-stream "The Remarkable Susan"

The Remarkable Susan is a Grand Marais Playhouse production that is remarkable in a number of ways. 

IWC Logo

International Wolf Center Update - October

Wolf Curator, Lori Schmidt talks with North Shore Morning Host, Mark Abrahamson about the International Wolf Center's Ambassador Pack, wolf "retirees" and a wolf's trip to the Ely Ho

ISRO Web Handwoven Reed Mat

Isle Royale Mats Loaned to Grand Portage

North Shore Morning Host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Liz Valencia about five culturally significant mats, at least two of which were made by Isle Royale resident, Tchi-ki-wis, Mrs.

Scott Oeth-photo by Mike Patterson

Pack & Paddle - October

"Pack & Paddle" with Scott Oeth  -  October 19, 2020


North Shore Health Care Foundation Update - October

North Shore Morning Host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Valerie Marasco Eliasen about the North Shore Health Care Foundation's October board meeting.

John Downing photo from MN Sea Grant

COVID Virus Found in Lake Superior

The Director of Minnesota Sea Grant,  John Downing talks with North Shore Morning Host, Mark Abrahamson about the UMD study that has recently found traces of the virus that causes COVID-19 in the

Deputy Jonathan Baumann accepts the award with his family.  Submitted photo.

American Legion law enforcement officer and firefighter of the year awarded

Each year the American Legion Honors a law enforcement officer and a firefighter during September Disaster Preparedness Month in line with the Legion's fourth pillar of national security.

AEAO Scholarship 2020 Ben Seaton

Ben Seaton winner of AEAO Scholarship

North Shore Morning Host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Ben Seaton - winner of the first Arrowhead Eagles Aviation Organization Scholarship. 

Duluth wind tower lift photo by Bob Welton

Duluth Port Shipping

North Shore Morning Host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Duluth Seaway Port Authority Director of Communication and Marketing, Jayson Hron about the 2020 shipping season so far.  While shipping tonna

Scott Oeth-photo by Mike Patterson

Pack & Paddle - September 21

In this edition of "Pack & Paddle", Scott Oeth talks about how to sleep warmly when camping in the cold.