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IWC Logo

International Wolf Center Update - November

WTIP talks with Grant Spickelmier, International Wolf Center's executive director for the November update. He talks with Mark about the IWC's hours, events and their ambassador wolves.

EmptyBowls photo via Facebook

Cook County takes Empty Bowls fundraiser virtually in 2020

Cook County's Empty Bowls fundraiser for the Food Shelf will be very different this year.  Ada Igoe explains how we can still take part.

Scott Oeth-photo by Mike Patterson

Pack & Paddle - November 16

On Pack & Paddle, we get the benefit of learning how to make our outdoor adventures more fun and safe from Scott Oeth, an experienced outdoor guide and instructor

Craig Horak - WTIP file photo by Rhonda SIlence

Tofte Township November update

The Tofte Township Board of Supervisors meets on the second Thursday of each month.  WTIP's Mark Abrahamson checked in with Tofte Supervisor Craig Horak on topics discussed at this month'

North House Folk School sunset

North House Folk School November update

North House Folk School in Grand Marais strives to enrich lives and build community through the teaching of traditional northern crafts.

Bear Photo by Fran Smith

North Woods Naturalist: Yo-yo weather

Chel Anderson is a botanist and plant ecologist.

The Retrievers logo

The Retrievers - Amy Addy

The Retrievers and Missing Pets in the Northland help reunite lost pets and their owners.  North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Amy Addy to learn more about the organizations and

Visit Cook County had a unique way of honoring its Heart of Hospitality winners - Photo courtes of VCC

Visit Cook County shares news of the Heart of Hospitality Awards

Like so many other events in 2020, the Visit Cook County Gala, sponsored jointly with the Cook County Chamber, was canceled.