A very different Veterans Day for 2020
By Rhonda Silence
Veterans Day 2020 is Wednesday, November 11. And like so many other events in this year of the coronavirus pandemic, Veterans Day commemoration gatherings have been canceled.
WTIP spoke with two local veterans, the men who are instrumental in arranging Veterans Day events, Clarence Everson, the Grand Portage Veterans Services Officer, and Bob Mattson, Commander of American Legion Post 413 in Grand Marais.
Everson explains that it was a difficult decision to cancel the Veterans Day commemoration at Grand Portage Legion Post 2009. One very special thing that will be especially missed is the Stonebridge Singers drum group which normally shares honor songs for the veterans.
With regret, Commander Mattson confirmed that gatherings in Grand Marais have been canceled. Mattson in a normal year, the American Legion Post 413 Color Guard would take part in a special concert at School District 166 and would visit the veterans at the North Shore Health Care Center.
At the Grand Portage event and at the school Veterans Day concert, there is always a message, a reminder of the meaning of Veterans Day. There is always a reminder that Veterans Day is always held on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month in honor of the armistice that ended World War 1.
That war was proclaimed the war to end all wars, but unfortunately, that was not the case. In 1954, after World War II had the greatest mobilization of armed forces; after American forces fought aggression in Korea, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first "Veterans Day Proclamation," which recognized all veterans. His proclamation encouraged "the entire citizenry to join hands in the common purpose" of honoring veterans.
So although there are no gatherings on this Veterans Day 2020, Commander Mattson and Veteran Services Officer Everson shared some thoughts on the day with WTIP's Rhonda Silence.