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Notes From Reservation River - "Top Ten"
-Writer Jess Koski is a Grand Portage tribal member and dispatches his “Jessays,” from his home on the shore of Lake Superior, in Chi Oni Gaming.
It's Take a Kid Fishing Weekend!
Rhonda Silence-The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources wants to get everyone outdoors this summer.
Wolf Ridge ELC - Peter Harris agrees, plants are blooming earlier this year
-It's not your imagination. Things really are blooming earlier this year. Naturalist and Educator, Peter Harris from Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center talks with North Shore Morn
The Retrievers - Amy Addy talks about protecting our pets from the heat
-Amy Addy with The Retrievers and Missing Pets in the Northland, talks with North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson about protecting our pets from the heat.
Despite strong play, Vikings playoff run ends at Proctor
Rhonda Silence-The Cook County Vikings baseball team was very excited as they entered their second playoff game on the turf field at Proctor on June 3.
A new business, Sawbill Garden Center, opens in Tofte
Rhonda Silence-WTIP likes to share news of local businesses -- new businesses, new owners, milestone achievements. Here’s the story of a local business owner who went from one business to another.
WTIP news director on an Isle Royale adventure
-WTIP's News Director Joe Friedrichs is spending some time at Isle Royale National Park, the remote island about 15 miles off the Minnesota shoreline in Grand Portage.
Superior National Forest Update - June 4
-Superior National Forest Update is a weekly feature on WTIP's North Shore Morning.
Joanna Gilkeson is a Public Affairs Specialist with the Superior National Forest.
Vikings win first game, advance in Playoffs
Rhonda Silence-GM Parks Update
-North Shore Morning host CJ Heithoff talks fireworks, construction, and music in Harbor Park with Grand Marais Parks Director, Dave Tersteeg in this monthly parks update.