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North Shore Winery co-owners Mary Hanson, Jeremy Hanson, Kim Corliss, Chuck Corliss. Submitted photo

North Shore Winery reaches milestone anniversary

WTIP likes to share news of local businesses -- new businesses, new owners, milestone achievements. A five-year anniversary in today’s economy is an achievement.

The Retrievers logo

The Retrievers - Amy Addy

Amy Addy from The Retrievers and Missing Pets in the Northland talks with North Shore Morning host Mark Abrahamson about how to keep our pets safe from the heat and noise of the July Fourth weekend.

LSProject: Did extensive logging impact Lake Superior fishing?

Northeast Minnesota experienced extensive "slash and burn" logging during the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Angel Kelly and friends joyfully danced at the Cook County PRIDE Rally 06-26-21 Photo by Rhonda Silence

A large turnout for Cook County Pride Rally & March

 The Cook County Pride Committee held a celebration in Grand Marais on Saturday, June 26, inviting the community to “Celebrate in Solidarity.”

Serenity Garden ready for planting - Photo courtesy of Nancy Koloski

North Shore Health Serenity Garden in need of perennials

The Serenity Garden at North Shore Health will soon be planted with trees and shrubs and there will be a need for perennials to be planted in the spaces between. 

Library Friends Board Member Agatha Armstrong presents a check for reading programs to Oshki Ogimaag. Submitted photo

Library Friends of Cook County hosting a "Pop Up" book sale

Pop Up stores and events have become a popular trend in recent years. And Library Friends of Cook County is getting in on the fun.

Lutsen 99er

Lutsen 99er is coming up on June 26

The Lutsen 99er is an ultra-marathon mountain biking event ridden on a variety of trails and roads in and around Lutsen. The race is back after being cancelled last year due to the pandemic.

Sky Map June 2021

Northern Sky: June 19 - July 2

Northern Sky by Deane Morrison
June 19 – July 2, 2021


North Shore Health Care Foundation Update - Valerie Eliasen

North Shore Morning host Mark Abrahamson talks with North Shore Health Care Foundation Executive Director, Valerie Eliasen for the monthly NSHCF Update.

ePride Poster

Pride Celebration 2021 is on!

Cook County Pride Celebration returns for 2021.

The Cook County Pride Committee today announced that Pride celebrations are returning for