Community Stories
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Missing 30 days, lost dog Murphy is found!
Rhonda Silence-Murphy, a tiny two-year-old male dog, was reported missing on July 13.
Jess Koski Notes from Reservation River--Witches Cauldron
-Jess ponders the history and cultural value of an old, iron pot.
CCHS senior Olivia Nesgoda learns about law in Washington D.C.
Rhonda Silence-Olivia Nesgoda, a senior at Cook County High School, is a very busy young woman.
WTIP Music Director Will Moore shares his RAGBRAI adventure
Rhonda Silence-WTIP’s Music Director Will Moore took a week off to head to Iowa to take part in RAGBRAI, the Des Moines Register Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa.
Karlee LaFavor, a 2010 CCHS grad, is now a family practice physician
Rhonda Silence-Since our very first broadcast, WTIP Community Radio has enjoyed interacting with the youth of our community.
Allie Duclos rolls to her 4th World Championship in 2021 competition
Rhonda Silence-Fourteen-year-old Allie Duclos of Lutsen is a multi-sport athlete, participating in volleyball, softball and skiing– and log rolling!
Anishinaabe Bizindamoo Makak Episode 1
-Anishinaabe Bizindamoo Makak Episode 1, with host Erik Redix. In this inaugural episode, Fond du Lac Language Specialist Dr.