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Murphy with his rescuers, Courtney Quaife and Louise Trachta 08-13-21

Missing 30 days, lost dog Murphy is found!

Murphy, a tiny two-year-old male dog, was reported missing on July 13.

Jess Koski

Jess Koski Notes from Reservation River--Witches Cauldron

Jess ponders the history and cultural value of an old, iron pot.

Marcia Roepke - photo by Des Sikowiski Nelson

Trail Time

Trail Time 8-13-2021
By Marcia Roepke

Olivia Nesgoda with FBI profiler and author John Douglas - Submitted photo

CCHS senior Olivia Nesgoda learns about law in Washington D.C.

Olivia Nesgoda, a senior at Cook County High School, is a very busy young woman.

Michelle Schroeder_Photo submitted by MS

Backpacking 101 - August

"Backpacking 101" with Michelle Schroeder

Will Moore at the finish of the RAGBRAI on the banks of the Mississippi River - Submitted photo

WTIP Music Director Will Moore shares his RAGBRAI adventure

WTIP’s Music Director Will Moore took a week off to head to Iowa to take part in RAGBRAI, the Des Moines Register Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa.

Dr. Karlee LaFavor in COVID-19 protective gear. Submitted photo

Karlee LaFavor, a 2010 CCHS grad, is now a family practice physician

Since our very first broadcast, WTIP Community Radio has enjoyed interacting with the youth of our community.

Allie Duclos of Lutsen with the first place, world championship trophy at the Hayward Lumberjack Championship. Submitted photo

Allie Duclos rolls to her 4th World Championship in 2021 competition

Fourteen-year-old Allie Duclos of Lutsen is a multi-sport athlete, participating in volleyball, softball and skiing– and log rolling!

Erik Redix, host of Anishinaabe Bizindamoo Makak

Anishinaabe Bizindamoo Makak Episode 1

Anishinaabe Bizindamoo Makak Episode 1, with host Erik Redix. In this inaugural episode, Fond du Lac Language Specialist Dr.

Photo by Marcia Roepke

Trail Time

Trail Time 7/28/2021
Marcia Roepke