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Jess Koski

Notes From Reservation River - "Another Journey Home"

In this segment, Jess returns home from an East Coast visit, avoiding a plane crash and following the migration route of the Lake Superior Anishinaabeg.

A family enjoying Bingo in the American Legion Bingo tent at a past Fisherman's Picnic - File photo Rhonda Silence

No bingo at Fisherman's Picnic in 2021

The Grand Marais Lions Club announced that there will be a Fisherman’s Picnic event at the end of May, but no one knew what it was really going to look like, with the COVID-19 pandemic and Highw

RAGBRAI 2021 started with warm temperatures and steady climbs. Photo by Will Moore

WTIP music director riding in RAGBRAI across Iowa

The Des Moines Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) set off across Minnesota’s border state on Sunday, July 26.

Scott Oeth-photo by Mike Patterson

Pack & Paddle

"Pack & Paddle" by Scott Oeth.
July 19, 2021

The Fisherman's Picnic fish toss event will be back in 2021. 2016 file photo, Rhonda Silence

Fisherman's Picnic 2021 is on!

The Grand Marais Lions Club Fisherman’s Picnic is typically held on the first full weekend of August.

The interesting women starring in The Breakfast Club--Jaye White, Claire Smith, Diane Stoddard and Amanda Hand. Photo R. Silence

Grand Marais Playhouse starts in-person theater with a comedy

Rehearsals are underway for the next Grand Marais Playhouse production, The Birthday Club.

Woodcock_photo by MarciaRoepke.jpeg

Trail Time - Marcia Roepke

Trail Time
By Marcia Roepke


North Shore Health Care Foundation Update

WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with North Shore Health Care Foundation Director, Valerie Marasco Eliasen following the NSHCF monthly board meeting for this update.

For some, any rock on our Lake Superior beach is a favorite. Photo by Rhonda Silence

WTIP asks: What's your favorite rock?

In keeping with the WTIP "Rock Steady" summer pledge drive theme, WTIP roving reporter Rhonda Silence asked a number of people this question: What's your favorite rock? 

Amos Falter's fancy footwork avoids on out vs Eveleth - Photo by Renee Buryanek

Cook County and Silver Bay join forces on American Legion Baseball team

The American Legion Silver Bay/Cook County Baseball teams hosted Eveleth at Arleigh Jorgenson field on Thursday, July 8.  The Vikings came away with a pair of one-run wins.