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WTIP Music Director Will Moore shares his RAGBRAI adventure

Will Moore at the finish of the RAGBRAI on the banks of the Mississippi River - Submitted photo
Will Moore at the finish of the RAGBRAI on the banks of the Mississippi River - Submitted photo

WTIP’s Music Director Will Moore took a week off to head to Iowa to take part in RAGBRAI, the Des Moines Register Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. He joined an estimated 15,000 bicyclists on the seven-day trek across Iowa, starting on July 26.

Will checked in from the road, talking to WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs on day two of the adventure. Hear that report from the road here: WTIP music director riding in RAGBRAI across Iowa.

Will survived—and actually enjoyed—the ride from its starting point near the Missouri River on the western side of Iowa to its terminus on the Mississippi River.

Will joined the WTIP Noon News crew on August 3 to share his thoughts on the RAGBRAI experience. Will noted that one of the most enjoyable aspects was seeing the small rural towns along the route. He said all along the way there were Iowans cheering them on, offering spots to rest and providing snacks and entertainment.

The photo above shows Will doing “The Dip,” a traditional celebration of the finish of the RAGBRAI. Riders dip their bike tire in the Mississippi.

Here’s Will answering questions about RAGBRAI, including the big question—will he do it again? 
