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Despite strong play, Vikings playoff run ends at Proctor

The Cook County Vikings baseball team was very excited as they entered their second playoff game on the turf field at Proctor on June 3. They played a powerful game against the Chisholm Bluestreaks but the game ended with a Viking loss, 5-4.

Coach Arleigh Jorgenson said although the game had a disappointing end, it was overall a good game. He said Jacob Dorr pitched a terrific game through six innings, with eight strikeouts, and a walk.

The Vikings were 4-0, heading for a shut-out going into the seventh inning. Heat and some miscues on the turf field at Proctor lead to loaded bases and runs for Chisholm, who logged all of their points in that final inning.

WTIP’s Rhonda Silence spoke with Coach Jorgenson about the game and about the Summer Legion Baseball League starting next week. WTIP will post the Legion League schedule as soon as it is available.

Jorgenson invited any young men in 7th or 8th grade who did not participate in baseball this spring, but who are interested in Legion ball to show up at the baseball field, Wednesday, June 9 at 2:15 p.m.

And, Coach Jorgenson shared the news that one Viking has received some special recognition. Tate Crawford was selected to be a member of the Polar League All-Conference. He was picked based on his .333 batting average and his hard work as an offensive and defensive player. He will participate in the Polar League All-Star game on Monday, June 21.

Here’s Rhonda Silence with Coach Arleigh Jorgenson with more. 
