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No Honor in Racism Rally, November 2

On Sunday November 2nd the Minnesota Vikings will play the NFL team from Washington D.C.


Sheriff: hoping for a quiet Halloween

Halloween has been fairly quiet recently, but with no school on the 31st, law enforcement is preparing…just in case.


Grand Marais Art Colony's Annual Member Show begins October 30

The Grand Marais Art Colony is having its Annual Members Show starting October 30 and running through November 23.


Curling Club offers session for beginners starting October 29

The Cook County Curling Club is preparing for a new season, and opportunities for beginners start Wednesday, October 29.  WTIP volunteer Randy Eastlund spoke with club secretary Joanne


ISD166 addresses achievement and opportunity gaps

It takes a community to close the achievement gap and the opportunity gap. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with ISD166 Superintendent Beth Schwarz.


CCLEP creates informational videos

The Cook County Local Energy Project, or CCLEP, recently created 3 videos about energy.


Cook County prepares for Ebola

Hospitals and clinics the country over are preparing their staffs for dealing with Ebola. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke Dr. Jenny Delfs and Public Health Nurse Joni Kristenson.



Winter is around the corner

Snow, wet and heavy but not much of it. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Mike Stewart about winter around the corner.



Hwy. 61 re-design presentation and open house: October 28

The City of Grand Marais will hold a presentation and open house as part of the planning for the re-design of Highway 61 as it travels through Grand Marais. WTIP volunteer Joe Detrick spoke


Weekend News Roundup for October 25

Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top news stories.