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MNsure second open enrollment is in full swing

The second open enrollment period for MNsure is up and running.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with the patient support and enrollment specialist Rachelle Christianson.


"Light Up a Life" in memory of a loved one: December 4

Community members have the opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one during the holiday season.


Fall law enforcement calls half of summer's high

A roundup of law enforcement activities this month includes fewer calls to the Cook County Sheriff’s department than at the height of summer.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke Sheriff Leif Lunde..


Rep. Nolan talks about a long overdue adjustment for Grand Portage Band members

A long overdue adjustment has been made in the U.S. House affecting members of the Grand Portage Band. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with 8th District Rep. Rick Nolan.


All are welcome at Community Thanksgiving Dinner

All are invited to a Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the First Congregational Church in Grand Marais. WTIP host Jana Berka spoke with Mary Igoe about this annual event on North Shore Morning .


Josh Von Mink grooves on The Scenic Route

North Shore native Josh Von Mink returns back home for a show at Lutsen Resort and special live set on the Scenic Route.


'Home for the Holidays' event at Last Chance Gallery

The Last Chance Gallery is having their 9th Annual Holiday Market, Friday and Saturday, November 28 and 29.


Weekend News Roundup for November 21

Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top news stories.


Forum: Completing your health care directive, November 25

The North Shore Health Care Foundation hosts a Community Open Forum Tuesday afternoon, November 25th, designed to help peop