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Andrew Beavers reports news from Lutsen Town Board meeting

November's Lutsen Township Board meeting included discussion about replacing the supervisor position being vacated by Ginny Storlie, problems with highway guardrails, and the annual Fire Departmen


Split Rock Lighthouse remembers the Edmund Fitzgerald

The annual Mustering of the Last Watch ceremony for the crewmen aboard the Edmund Fitzgerald is held at Split Rock Lighthouse in Two Harbors, MN on November 10th.


Plowing the Irish Creek road is a pricey undertaking

The cost of  the Irish Creek Road Subordinate Service District is running higher than anticipated.


Latest update from GES

Great Expectations School is about to get hooked up to broadband.  WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with GES board member Jeff Kern about broadband and about the school’s character development asse


Sen. Franken shares his views on net neutrality

Net neutrality is a hot topic nationally, but with all the political clouds swirling around the topic, you have a right to be confused. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Sen.


Rep. Dill talks about the changing face of the Minnesota House

The Minnesota House has Republican leadership now. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Democratic Rep. David Dill about some of the anticipated changes.


Weather to continue wintery

We’ve missed most of the big snow and it looks like we’ll continue to miss more of it. Cold temps on the other hand will stick around.


Weekend News Roundup for November 15

Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top news stories. Snow piled up this week and ski resorts are ramping up. The wolf season in the north east is over.


'Down to the 5 yard line' for Tofte housing project

Plenty of Tofte news, including progress on the senior housing project.


Oshki Ogimaag School kicks off local food drive

Teaching students about serving their community was the focus on Veterans Day at Oshki Ogimaag Charter School in Grand Portage. WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson spoke with Anna Deschampe and Keith