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December is a busy month at Grand Marais Art Colony

The Grand Marais Art Colony has a lot happening during the month of December. WTIP volunteer Tracy Benson spoke with Carolyn Fritz of the Grand Marais Art Colony on North Shore Morning. 


Wreath Weaving Class: December 6

North House instructor Lise Abazs will be offering a class ‘Wreath Weaving: the Traditional Balsam Bough Wreath’ on Saturday, December 6th from 9am to 1pm.  WTIP


Municipal pool comes down

The Municipal Swimming Pool is coming down and the Rec Park staff is gearing up for the first day of reservations, just a month away. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with park manager Dave Tersteeg.


Soil and Water to attack invasive species

The Cook County Board has signed off on an Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention plan with funding from the state/ WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Soil and Water district manager Kerrie Berg.


Northwoods Fiber Guild Holiday Sale & Open House: December 6

This year's Northwoods Fiber Guild Holiday Sale is Saturday, December 6th.


Violence Prevention Center reminds us of the power of positive thinking

The holidays are here, and it's good to be reminded of the power of positive thinking, positive words and positive actions.


Cook County needs foster care providers

Foster parents can play an important role in the life of a child and the recovery of a family.  WTIP’s Veronica Weadock spoke with Kristin Blomberg of Cook County Public Health and Human Se


Youth Ski League offers cross-country skiing activities

The Youth Ski League starts in January, but registration is Sunday and Monday, December 7th  and 8th.  North Shore Morning host Yvonne Mills spoke with Mike Crook, one


Weather: Chilly but there's a warm-up in sight

Yes, it will be chilly for the next couple of days, then slowly warm up to the 20’s by week’s end. But, not much snow.


Weekend News Roundup for November 29

Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top    news stories.