Local News
December is a busy month at Grand Marais Art Colony
-The Grand Marais Art Colony has a lot happening during the month of December. WTIP volunteer Tracy Benson spoke with Carolyn Fritz of the Grand Marais Art Colony on North Shore Morning.
Wreath Weaving Class: December 6
-North House instructor Lise Abazs will be offering a class ‘Wreath Weaving: the Traditional Balsam Bough Wreath’ on Saturday, December 6th from 9am to 1pm. WTIP
Municipal pool comes down
-The Municipal Swimming Pool is coming down and the Rec Park staff is gearing up for the first day of reservations, just a month away. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with park manager Dave Tersteeg.
Soil and Water to attack invasive species
-The Cook County Board has signed off on an Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention plan with funding from the state/ WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Soil and Water district manager Kerrie Berg.
Northwoods Fiber Guild Holiday Sale & Open House: December 6
-This year's Northwoods Fiber Guild Holiday Sale is Saturday, December 6th.
Violence Prevention Center reminds us of the power of positive thinking
-The holidays are here, and it's good to be reminded of the power of positive thinking, positive words and positive actions.
Cook County needs foster care providers
-Foster parents can play an important role in the life of a child and the recovery of a family. WTIP’s Veronica Weadock spoke with Kristin Blomberg of Cook County Public Health and Human Se
Youth Ski League offers cross-country skiing activities
-The Youth Ski League starts in January, but registration is Sunday and Monday, December 7th and 8th. North Shore Morning host Yvonne Mills spoke with Mike Crook, one
Weather: Chilly but there's a warm-up in sight
-Yes, it will be chilly for the next couple of days, then slowly warm up to the 20’s by week’s end. But, not much snow.
Weekend News Roundup for November 29
-Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top news stories.