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Weekend News Roundup for December 13

Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top    news stories.


'Tis the season to review snowmobile safety guidelines

Although there still isn’t much snow cover here in northeastern Minnesota, it’s a good time to review safety guidelines for snowmobiles.


Dragon Boat Festival future is uncertain

The future of the North Shore Dragon Boat Festival is uncertain.


AEOA offers home repair loans

There are home repair loans available for some residents of the Minnesota Arrowhead.


Latest news from the Cook County Historical Society

The Cook County Historical Society houses collections from Cook County’s past, along with exhibits reflecting that history.


First MNsure deadline approaches

A MNsure enrollment deadline is fast approaching for those who want their coverage to begin the first of the year. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with MNsure’s  media coordinator in St. Paul.


High school student will give arctic canoe trip presentation: December 11

Local high school student, Carrie Palmer, will be giving a presentation on her recent Arctic canoe trip.


Commissioner-elect attends counties association meeting

Newly elected county commissioners are attending a meeting of the Association of Minnesota Counties. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with commissioner-elect Frank Moe in St. Cloud.


Weekend News Roundup for December 6

Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top    news stories.


Borealis Chorale and Orchestra performs December 7&8

Selections from Handel’s Messiah will be just a portion of the music you can hear at the annual Community Christmas Concert.