Local News
Frank Moe breaks the District One tie
-Shortly after 9 a.m. on Monday, Auditor-Treasurer Braidy Powers convened the Cook County Canvass Board to certify the November 4 election results.
Weekend News Roundup for November 8
-Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top news stories. Commissioner tie breaker scheduled for Monday. The FISH project needs more participants.
Explore "shared co-working" options at November 6 meeting hosted by Broadband Commission
-You can learn more about possible options for "co-working space" that would also provide broadband access at a meeting hosted by the Cook County Broadband Commission. WTIP vo
November is a busy month for the Grand Marais Public Library
-The Grand Marais Public Library has a lot happening during the month of November. WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson spoke with Steve Harsin, library director, on North Shore Morning.
Cook County offers "In-Home Support" services
-The Cook County In-Home Support Program helps individuals to remain safely in their homes. Sherrie Lindskog spoke with Martina Williams of Cook County Public Health and Human Services about this
Weekend News Roundup for November 1
-Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top news stories. Could there be drones over Lake Superior?
Blackfish - the music of James Everest and Joel Pickard
Will Moore-Blackfish is a unique, experimental musical duo comprised of James Everest and Joel Pickard.
National Bat Week: Oct 26 - Nov 1
-Bats play an important role in our ecosystem and not just on Halloween! Bats are often misunderstood and currently challenged by white-nose syndrome. North Shore Morning host Julie Carlson learns more from Steve Robertson, education specialist with the USDA Forest Service, Superior National Forest.
Decision by County Board to lower some fees
-Some county fees will be lowered as a result of recent decisions at the county board level.