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Art opening of Seven Grandfather Teachings at Grand Portage Community Center: October 10

 The Grand Portage Summer Youth Program is presenting an exhibition of paintings of The Seven Grandfather Teachings. These paintings will be featured at an art opening at the Grand Portage C


Scholastic Book Fair comes to Sawtooth Mountain Elementary on October 6-9

“Sir Readalot's Castle and The Kingdom of Books" is the theme of this year’s Scholastic Book Fair.


Lutsen Fall Bike Ride: October 11

Whether you are a beginning or elite bike rider, this Saturday’s Lutsen Fall Bike Ride has options for all skill levels.


Cool weather continues as fall settles in

Fall is definitely in the air. Expect sun later in the week, but cool temps. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with NWS meteorologist Carol Christenson.


Make-A-Bowl sessions at the Art Colony

Artist Joan Farnam shares the scoop on how to Make-a-Bowl for Empty Bowls, with North Shore Morning host Randy Eastlund.


Weekend News Roundup for October 4

Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top news stories.

The Lake Superior Project/Logo by Lauryl Loberg

LSProject: Tar Sands Expansion on the Great Lakes

Many of us are unaware of the potential impact the current oil boom may have on our area.


Library supports the "freedom to read"

From Where's Waldo? to The Invisible Man, many books are targets of censorship.


"Felting for Families" offered during Family Weekend at North House: October 18

As part of North House Folk School's Family & Intergenerational Learning Weekend, instructor Mary Cowen will be offering her class ‘Felting for Families’ on Saturday, Oct


Resources available for suicide awareness, coping and prevention

September is National Suicide Awareness Month, and it's important to be aware of the complex issues surrounding suicide.