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Bus ride available to Ruby's Pantry in Silver Bay

The Cook County Senior Center Bus will be heading to Ruby’s Pantry in Silver Bay on Saturday, September 27th.


Senior Rides volunteer driver orientation class: September 25

The Senior Rides program will be offering a Driver Orientation for folks interested in volunteering. WTIP host Matthew Brown spoke with Kay Grindland of Care Partners on North Shore Morning.


North Shore Campus Open House: September 17

The Cook County Local Energy Proejct (CCLEP) and Cook County Higher Education (CCHE) are celebrating the completion of the remodel done at the No


Sawtooth Ridges celebrates 20 years

This Saturday, September 20, Sawtooth Ridges Apartments celebrates 20 years in the community. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with manager Jay Arrowsmith DeCoux.


Celebration planned in recognition of grants awarded to local nonprofits: September 16

Six local nonprofit organizations recently received grants, and a celebration is planned on September 16th in recognition.


Great Decisions group discussion topic will be U.S. Trade Policy: September 18

The Great Decisions discussion series will feature the topic 'U.S. Trade Policy' at their September 18 meeting.


'Walking With Our Sisters' Exhibit at Thunder Bay Art Gallery

"Walking With Our Sisters" is a commemorative art installation for the missing and murdered indigenous women of Canada and the United States.


Textile course offered at Cook County Historical Society in collaboration with North House: September 12

The Cook County Historical Society is collaborating with North House Folk School to offer a course in historical


Meet the new AEOA representative in Grand Marais

The AEOA (Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency) office serving Cook County has a new representative, Anita Jeziah.


Thirteenth Annual 'Unplugged' Fall Gathering: September 11-13

This year’s annual event, “Unplugged Thirteen: The Northern Harvest” starts Thursday at the North Ho