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Commissioners discuss waters plans and invasive species

A unique collaborative water plan and invasive species action are a part of this week’s county board deliberations. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Commissioner Garry Gamble


EDA moves ahead on golf course management

Progress is moving ahead at Superior National. Seeding begins and there’s action on a management agreement. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with EDA president Mark Sandbo.



Primary results set commissioner district matchups and Races take form in city elections

Primary results set commissioner district matchups

Tuesday’s primary settled the races for county commissioner in the two contested districts.


WRAPS watershed report from MPCA

Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies or WRAPS is the local response to a pilot project to put together a comprehensive watershed plan for the north shore.


Cook County Invasive Team Update: Herbicides?

The Cook County Invasive Team's coordinator Angelique Edgerton talked to WTIP about the use of herbicides.

(Photo by bienenwabe on Flickr)



Gitchi-Gami Trail Association 14th Annual North Shore Bike Ride

Every year, the Gitchi-Gami Trail Association hosts a bike ride on the Gitchi-Gami Trail along Lake Superior.


Rosie Flores comes to the Arrowhead Center for the Arts

The North Shore Music Association will be sponsoring a concert with rockabilly singer and guitarist Rosie Flores on Saturday, August 16, starting at 7:30 p.m, at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts.


Fine weather returns for the week

The rain clears and pleasant dry weather becomes the norm through the rest of the week. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Carol Christenson.


Weekend News Roundup for August 9

Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top news stories.