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It's Blueberry Season in the Northland!

Are wild blueberries an important part of your summer? Or maybe you work to have them all year long!  Producer Ada Igoe shares her thoughts on this special time of year.


New "accountability" system implemented by Cook County fire departments

The  Cook County fire departments had their quarterly meeting recently.


Grand Marais Lioness Buffet Dinner: July 30

Fishcakes will be just one of the menu items at this Wednesday’s Grand Marais Lioness Club’s annual buffet dinner. WTIP volunteer Marnie McMillan spoke with Katie Anderson and Je


'By Way of Water: Our History with Lake Superior' opens July 29

Cook County Historical Society has a new exhibit at the museum:  “By Way of Water: Our History with Lake Superior” opens today at 8 South Broadway in Grand Marais.


Weekend News Roundup for July 26

Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top news stories.


County Attorney found guilty in sexual misconduct case

After three full days of testimony, a jury of nine men and three women has returned a verdict of guilty in the sexual misconduct trial of Cook County Attorney Tim Scannell.


Documenting Renovation: the Bally Blacksmith Shop

Not only are renovations under way on the Bally Blacksmith Shop in Grand Marais, but the renovations and history are being documented.


Fisherman's Picnic Annual Library Friends Book Sale

Every year during Fisherman's Picnic, the Library Friends have a large book sale at the Cook County Community Center.


Back to School on a Budget

Sara Hadley of Cook County Public Health and Human Services talked to WTIP about how to do back-to-school shopping on a budget. More information and tips are available at 218-387-3603.