Local News
Drug drop at Law Enforcement Center
-The prescription drug drop box is up and functioning at the Law Enforcement Center. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Rita Plourde and Patty Doherty from Sawtooth Mountain Clinic.
Help redesign Highway 61 through Grand Marais at September 4 meeting
-The City of Grand Marais is looking for input to help redesign the Highway 61 corridor.
'Back to School' Open House and Orientation August 27
-The Cook County School District is hosting a "Back to School Open House/Orientation" on Wednesday, August 27th from 3:30pm - 6:30pm. WTIP volunteer Sherrie Lindskog spoke with Melissa
Helping with hunger in Cook County
-Cook County Public Health and Human Services is addressing the issue of hunger in Cook County.
Weekend News Roundup for August 23
-Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top news stories.
An Invitation to Afternoon Tea, September 3
-You can RSVP for Afternoon Tea: the event celebrates and supports Cook County Higher Education. North Shore Morning host Randy Eastlund spoke with Paula Sundet Wolf of Cook County Hig
A New Season of Cook County Athletics & Booster Club Concessions
-The first home volleyball game is Tuesday August 26th, and the Cook County Athletic Booster Club wants you. North Shore Morning host Sherrie Lindskog spoke with Kris Phillips, B
Board approves new ISD166 hires
-The ISD166 school year is about to begin. The school board met to review and approve a number of items before the door opens on Sept. 2nd. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Superintendent Beth Schwarz..
Environmental Stewardship Awards include Minnesota recipients
-This year's Environmental Stewardship Awards included three Minnesota recipients. Marnie McMillan spoke with Lissa Radke of the Lake Superior Binational Forum in Ashland, Wisconsin about three of the Minnesota winners.
Lake Superior Binational Forum’s Annual Environmental Stewardship Awards Program
The Lake Superior Binational Forum’s panel of judges, choses award recipients that have accomplished significant and successful actions that minimize negative impacts or restore the natural environment in the Lake Superior basin.
The awards program pays tribute to recipients that have demonstrated a commitment to environmental stewardship through outstanding leadership in one of five categories: Youth, Individual Adult, Business, Municipality, Business, Industry or Organization.
(Photo courtesy of Lake Superior Binational Forum)