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County Attorney found guilty in sexual misconduct case

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After three full days of testimony, a jury of nine men and three women has returned a verdict of guilty in the sexual misconduct trial of Cook County Attorney Tim Scannell. Scannell was charged with two counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct for an alleged inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old girl.

In order for a conviction, the jury had to find that Scannell was in a position of authority over the girl during the time the acts occurred.  The girl’s parents said Scannell had been a longtime family friend, advising her on college choices, acting as tennis and soccer coach, as well as academic advisor and job counselor.

Judge Shaun Floerke set sentencing for September 26 following a pre-sentence investigation.

Sentencing guidelines for fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct call for a stayed sentence of 18 to 24 months for an offender without a criminal history.