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Jury deliberating Scannell sexual misconduct case

The case of Cook County Attorney Tim Scannell who is accused of sexual misconduct with a teenage girl has gone to the jury.


Recommendation: slog through the mud

While it's tempting to skirt around muddy spots, the savvy hiker comes prepared to slog through it and stick to the main trail.


Scannell testifies in misconduct trial

Cook County Attorney Tim Scannell, accused of sexual misconduct testified in his own defense yesterday and will be cross examined today.


Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for the Cook County Senior Center, July 25

During the North Shore Dragon Boat Festival, the Senior Center will be hosting a spaghetti dinner as a fundraiser. The dinner will be July 25th from 5 to 7 p.m.


eBook workshop at the Grand Marais Public Library, July 23

E-books have not yet made libraries obsolete, but they can be handy.


Jury selected in Scannell trial

Ten men and four women were selected Monday in Duluth to decide Cook County Attorney Tim Scannell’s sexual misconduct case.


New Cook County Community Education Youth Director

Cook County Community Education and the YMCA have joined together to hire a full-time Youth Director.


The Grand Marais Public Library subscribes to Minnesota Grantmakers Online

The Grand Marais Public Library recently became a subscriber to Minnesota Grantmakers Online, a program that gives library patrons access to inform


Weather could get nasty before it gets better

Unseasonably hot with a potential for thunderstorms and high winds along the shore. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Geoff Grochocinski.


Registration open for 38th annual Fisherman's Picnic Tennis Tournament

Tennis anyone?  Lee Bergstrom, president of the Cook County Tennis Association, invites everyone to join in this year's tournament.