The Roadhouse
- Friday 4-6pm
Scientists conduct real-world experiments to study freshwater pollution
-Scientists in a research facility in northwestern Ontario are deliberately polluting lakes to learn what happens to the ecosystem and then figure out how to make them healthy again. Brian spoke with Sumeep Bath, communications director for the International Institute for Sustainable Development Experimental Lakes area, located north of Kenora, Ontario, to find out more.
You can learn more about the IISD Experimental Lakes Area here.
Cutting back on sugar can have many health benefits
-Every season offers opportunities to indulge in sweet treats. But what if you’re trying to get healthy by shutting down the sugar in your diet? Dave spoke with Samantha Coogan, an expert in nutrition and dietetics at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, to learn more about the effects of sugar on the body.
Freelance Valet perform on The Roadhouse
-Freelance Valet is a new group made up of Terry V from the Big Wu and Mitch Johnson from Kind Country. They joined Dave and Julie on The Roadhouse to chat about how the two came together and play a few tunes.
You can learn more about Freelance Valet on their Facebook page.
Roadhouse learns more about edible landscaping and foraging
-Gardens are growing, harvest season is coming up…and we could all use a few new ideas for more sustainable, healthy food. Susannah Shmurak, a freelance health and environmental writer who lives in Northfield, joined The Roadhouse to share some of her knowledge on the topic.
You can learn more about Susannah on her website,
Rhoda Anderson Habedank shares stories and songs
-Brian and Ann welcomed Rhoda Anderson Habedank back to WTIP, this time for her Roadhouse debut. Rhoda talked about what inspires her music, and of course, played a few songs for us.
Author Alex Kotlowitz on The Roadhouse
-Alex Kotlowitz is a writer, author, and movie and radio producer. He joined The Roadhouse to talk with Brian about a number of topics, from his new book, “An American Summer, Love and Death in Chicago," to his annual trips to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
You can learn more about Alex here.
History of Fisherman's Picnic with local historian Dan Helmerson
-The 90th annual Fisherman's Picnic was this past weekend. To celebrate, we invited local historian Dan Helmerson on The Roadhouse to chat with us about the history and stories of 90 years of the picnic.
Gene LaFond and Amy Grillo debut a new song on The Roadhouse
-Musical duo Gene LaFond and Amy Grillo joined The Roadhouse on a recent stormy night to play some tunes, including one brand new song.
Urban Boatbuilders teaches life skills to youth through building boats
-Twins Cities based nonprofit Urban Boatbuilders works with youth to help them learn craftsmanship as well as important social skills through building boats. Phil Winger, programs manager and boatbuilding instructor with Urban Boatbuilders joined The Roadhouse to tell us more about the organization.
Photographer Layne Kennedy on The Roadhouse
-Photographer Layne Kennedy recently taught a nature photography class right at North House. Layne joined The Roadhouse and spoke with host Brian about the class and much more.