Community Stories
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Conversations on Health and Well Being: Teresa Borak
-The years 2018 and 2019 will be remembered for the retirement of many longtime community leaders on the North Shore.
CCHS Knowledge Bowl team competing at state this week
-The Cook County High School Knowledge is headed to Cragun's Resort in Brainerd this week to compete at the state Knowledge Bowl meet. The state competition is held Wednesday and Thursday, Ap
YMCA Update - Emily Marshall, April 8, 2019
-Emily Marshall, the Branch Executive Director of the Cook County YMCA talks with North Shore Morning host, Jana Berka for this weekly YMCA update.
Local youth launches her own podcast
-Podcasts are audio programs distributed across the world wide web with topics that range from politics to the Boundary Water
Vikings prepare for opening day of 2019
-The Cook County Vikings baseball team was scheduled to open their season on Tuesday, April 9 at home against Silver Bay. That game has been postponed to Monday, April 22.
"The Gun Chronicles" at the JHP
-In this interview, WTIP's North Shore Morning Host Bob Padzieski talks with Library Director Steve Harsin and Cook County Historical Society Director Carrie Johnson about French photographer, JR
Nominations open now for emergency responder awards
Rhonda Silence-For 30 years, Cook County has hosted the annual Emergency Services Conference – a training and networking event for all arms of emergency response and planning in the Arrowhead region.
Olya Wright talks climate change, 2019 plans and why ducks are better than TV
Joe Friedrichs-Local youth and environmental advocate Olya Wright is becoming widely recognized across Minnesota and beyond for her work protecting the planet.
Amy Moe recognized for her work at Mississippi State
Rhonda Silence-Amy Moe, a 1994 graduate of Cook County High School, is now a professor at Mississippi State University.
Local sixth-graders complete snowmobile safety training
-The sixth grade Safety class at Cook County Middle School wrapped up their Snowmobile Safety certification work with their Field Day Testing on Wednesday, March 6. For this practical exam, stude