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Snowy Forest, Sawbill Trail by Travis Novitsky

North Woods Naturalist: Seasonal whiplash

What season is it, spring or winter?  If you've found yourself asking that question recently, you may have experienced seasonal whiplash.  WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with naturalist Ch

Image submitted by Michelle Schroeder

Backpacking 101 - Michelle Schroeder

North Shore Morning host, Brian Neil talks with Michelle Schroeder about "How to Keep From Doing Stupid 'stuff' on the Trail" or "Backpacking 101".

VPC Logo -submitted

Violence Prevention Center Update - May 2019

North Shore Morning host, Dennis Waldrop, talks with Lindsey Gau and Carly Puch from the Violence Prevention Center about Mental Health Awareness Month and the intersection of  mental health and


YMCA Update - May 6, 2019

North Shore Morning host, Jana Berka talks with Cook County Community YMCA Branch Executive Director, Emily Marshall for this week's update.

Sawtooth Mountain Clinic. WTIP file photo

Sawtooth Mt Clinic - Topic of the Month

North Shore Morning host, Jana Berka talks with Sawtooth Mountain Clinic's Community Health Specialist, Hartley Acero about this month's Topic of the Month, "Positive Psychology:  Th

Sharolyn Sievert and Levia

Superior Canines: Sharolyn Sievert and Search & Rescue Dogs

In April, Central Lakes Search and Rescue of central Minnesota performed a demo of search and rescue dogs for a search management class at Vermillion Community College in Ely, MN.

Eleanor Waha points out her friend Wayne Anderson in a historical photo. Photo by Rhonda Silence

Historical Society honors long-time board members

On Thursday, April 18, the Cook County Historical Society granted Honorary Lifetime Membership to four people who had given a combined total of about 100 years of service to the history of Cook County

King Will Ramberg and Queen Claire LaVigne! Photo by Chad Benesh.

Prom festivities held at ISD 166

Cook County High School held its Prom celebration on Saturday, May 4.  

This year's Prom royalty is Will Ramberg and Claire LaVigne.

Photo by Jason Carpenter on Flickr

Historic Cook County: The UFO sighting of September 5, 1966

Reports of UFOs date back to as early as 1400 BC, and Cook County is no exception. During the 1960s, a local Cook County woman gained the attention of a scientist, Dr.

Sandy Holthaus, author, radio personality and former Schroeder resident - Submitted photo

Former Schroeder resident shares stories with Radio for Wright County

WTIP often reaches out to talk to former county residents that still have ties to the North Shore.