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Get just about anything you want for your garden at the Great Expectations Plant Sale, Saturday, May 18. Photo by Rhonda Silence

Great Expectations director shares school--and plant sale--news

WTIP Community Radio periodically checks in with local schools to find out about events, but also about the behind-the-scenes activities at our schools.

Honor Flight vets 2019 - Jim Corcoran, Dave Wirt, Orvis Lunke, Butch Deschampe, Arvid Dahl - Photo courtesy of Orvis Lunke

Hearing from our Honor Flight veterans

The Northland Honor Flight, carrying about 180 veterans from World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, traveled from Duluth to Washington, D.C. and back on Saturday, May 4.

Scott Oeth-photo by Mike Patterson

Canoe Poling - Scott Oeth

North Shore Morning host, Mark Abrahamson talks with Scott Oeth from Bull Moose Patrol about Canoe Poling.


Summer Food Program for Children

North Shore Morning host, Brian Neil talks with Lori Backlund about the ISD 166 - Summer Food Program for kids age 18 and younger.  It's a free program beginning June 10th th


YMCA Update - May 13, 2019

North Shore Morning host, Gary Latz talks with Cook County Community YMCA's Betsy Blaisdell, support services specialist, for the YMCA update.

MN DNR Conservation Officer Darin Fagerman goes over the pre-ride safety check. Photo courtesy of ISD 166

Local youths complete ATV safety training at ISD 166

The second year of School District 166’s sixth grade safety class wrapped up on May 9 with practical testing for students in ATV Safety. 

The WISE group is using this as a temporary logo, but wants something more meaningful - Graphic courtesy of Ann Merson

WISE women sponsor logo contest

Lions Club International recently decided to end its Lioness Club program.

Joe Friedrichs holds an empty stringer on the 2019 Fishing Opener. Photo by Brad Nielsen

LSProject: WTIP news director 'skunked' on Fishing Opener

It was a busy weekend for many anglers across the state, as May 11 launched the start of the 2019 fishing season in Minnesota.


Northern Gardening: Composting

This month's edition of Northern Gardening is all about composting.  Learn about composting in your home garden, as well as using composting as a means of gardening with straw bales.

Seniors on the Vikings baseball team.  Photo by Bruce Johnson.

Vikings off to great start in 2019 season

The Vikings baseball team is off to a hot start, through nine games the team has an 8-1 record.  There's still plenty more games to play this spring, including this week, with another home ga