Community Stories
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Grand Portage CACHE Project: The Maple Harvest
Rhonda Silence-The Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa has created the CACHE Project, which stands for “Community Agriculture through Culture, Health and Education.”
YMCA Update - April 22, 2019
-North Shore Morning host, Jana Berka talks with Betsy Blaisdell for the Cook County Community YMCA Update.
North Woods Naturalist: Bird songs
-It's the time of year when the birds start singing away. WTIP's CJ Heithoff talks with naturalist Chel Anderson about the physiology behind bird songs in this edition of North Woods Natu
Community invited to town hall meeting on New Green Deal
Rhonda Silence-The Sunrise Movement, a grass roots organization of young people working for a sustainable future for the planet through a “green” economy, will be the focus of a Town Hall on Earth Day, A
Historic Cook County: The demise of a trapper along the Gunflint Narrows
-There are many stories from the early days of northeast Minnesota, and it’s the mission of the Cook County Historical Society to document and record these glimpses of our past.
Arts Economy - Sheila Smith
-North Shore Morning host, Shawna Willis talks with Minnesota Citizens for the Arts Executive Director, Sheila Smith about the effects the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment has had on the local, r
YMCA Update - April 15, 2019
-North Shore Morning host, Brian Neil talks with Ashley Green from the Cook County YMCA for this update.
Superior Canines: Sheriff Deputy Paul Spry and K9 Eddy
Will Moore-In 2018, Eddy became the first Deputy K9 at the Cook County Sheriff's Office in twenty years. Since his arrival, he and his handler Deputy Paul Spry have bonded immensely.
Leah Lemm: sharing northern voices
Rhonda Silence-WTIP Community Radio shares Minnesota Native News on Tuesdays and Fridays and listeners may have come to know some of th