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Leah Lemm: sharing northern voices

Leah Lemm, contributor to Minnesota Native News and KAXE's Northern Voices. Photo by Rhonda Silence
Leah Lemm, contributor to Minnesota Native News and KAXE's Northern Voices. Photo by Rhonda Silence

WTIP Community Radio shares Minnesota Native News on Tuesdays and Fridays and listeners may have come to know some of the voices on that program. WTIP’s Rhonda Silence recently had the opportunity to talk to Leah Lemm, a contributor to Minnesota Native News and the creator of a series “Northern Voices: Celebrating Ties to Minnesota’s Northland" for KAXE Radio in Grand Rapids. Here’s their conversation.

To hear some of Leah Lemm’s “Northern Voices: Celebrating Ties to Minnesota’s Northland," click here.
