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Living Intentionally

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Bringing Out the Best of Ourselves 2017 Part 1: Living authentically, with Roxanne Howe-Murphy

This first program in the 2017 series - hosted by Marcia Hyatt - is an exploration into what it means to live deeply; to live a life of authenticity, presence and joy. Marcia interviewed Dr.


Avoidance - September 12, 2015

Dr Ron Seigel, a Harvard professor, claims that avoidance is the number one cause of human suffering.


Getting On the Balcony - August 29, 2015

A classic Harvard Business Review leadership article, The Work of Leadership, has something to teach all of us about how to live with uncertainty and change.


Becoming What You Might Have Been - August 22, 2015

We have more power than we usually tap to create our dreams, paraphrasing George Eliot, to become what we might have been.


Awareness - July 11, 2015

What helps us see ourselves more clearly?  How do we grow beyond our contradictions? 


Missing the Moments of Joy

To avoid suffering we may also be missing moments of joy.


Procrastination: Not Just a Time Management Issue

What keeps us from doing what we say we are going to do, should do or want to do?


Gratitude in Action - June 6, 2015

Gratitude lessons from Dr. Robert Emmons, one of the world's leading experts on gratitude.


Shaking the Victim Mentality

It is easy to slip into a victim mentality and we do have a choice.


Compassion & Forgiveness - April 18, 2015

Ho' Oponopono is an ancient Hawaiin method to make things right, rectify an error.  It is one way to help us find compassion for ourselves and others.