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Busy winter for the Grand Marais Playhouse

Winter is a busy season for the Grand Marais Playhouse.


Off the mountain and on the phone: a conversation with explorer Lonnie Dupre

After conquering the mountain solo in January, Lonnie Dupre is off the mountain and will back in Cook County by the end of the month.


Senator Franken Visits Sawtooth Mountain Clinic for Discussion on State of Rural Health

On Saturday, January 17th Minnesota’s U.S. Senator Al Franken was at the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic for a discussion with local health care providers on the state of rural health.


Red Cross seeks 'everyday hero' nominations

The Red Cross is looking for nominations to honor heroes – people who have gone above and beyond the call of duty, often in everyday life.


31st Annual John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon set to start on January 25

Commemorating the life of John Beargrease, the son of a Chippewa chief who delivered mail by dog sled, the 31st annual John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon is set to start this Sunday. WTIP host


Business Networking Luncheon topic: "Better Story, Better Business" on January 22

Cook County Higher Education is hosting their January Business Networking Luncheon.


Senator Franken to Lead Rural Health Care Discussion Saturday January 17th in Grand Marais

Senator Franken Will Meet with Local Rural Health Experts As Part of his Efforts to Address The Unique Health Care Challenges Facing Rural Minnesota


Sawtooth Mountain Clinic FISH study still seeking participants

The Sawtooth Mountain Clinic is still seeking volunteers to participate in their study on mercury, fish consumption and women of child-bearing age along the North Shore.


Update on Lake Superior Binational Forum's recent loss of funding

The Lake Superior Binational Forum has been impacted by recent EPA funding changes. WTIP host Joey Detrick spoke with Lissa Radke, U.S.


First City Council meeting of 2015 includes new members and new mayor

The Grand Marais City Council just held its first meeting of 2015 with several new members and a new mayor.