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Sawtooth Mountain Clinic FISH study still seeking participants

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FISH Project Update_Klees_Mccann.mp36.69 MB

The Sawtooth Mountain Clinic is still seeking volunteers to participate in their study on mercury, fish consumption and women of child-bearing age along the North Shore. WTIP volunteer Marnie McMillan spoke with Joyce Klees and Pat McCann on North Shore Morning.


Fish are Important for Superior Health (FISH) Project
Make the most of the health benefits of eating fish, and lower exposure to mercury for you and your family.

Needed: Women Age 16 to 50 to Participate in the FISH Project
      *One hour appointments: free and confidential.
      *Blood test for levels of healthful fatty acids in fish and for mercury contamination    
       from fish.
      *Learn how to choose the best fish for healthy eating.
Participants who complete the visit will receive a Visa gift card.
To register as a participant or for more information, call:
Sawtooth Mountain Clinic at 218-387-2330 or
Grand Portage Health Service at 218-475-2235
And ask for a FISH Coordinator
Women, age 16 to 50, who live in or near Cook County
Minors need parental consent in order to participate
See FISH Project Video online at:
For more information or to enroll at other times call Sawtooth Mountain Clinic at 218-387-2330 and ask for a FISH Coordinator