Senator Franken to Lead Rural Health Care Discussion Saturday January 17th in Grand Marais
Senator Franken Will Meet with Local Rural Health Experts As Part of his Efforts to Address The Unique Health Care Challenges Facing Rural Minnesota
On Saturday, January 17, U.S. Sen. Al Franken’s (D-Minn.), Co-Chair of the bipartisan Senate Rural Health Caucus, will be at Sawtooth Mountain Clinic in Grand Marais to lead a discussion with local rural health experts on the top needs of patients and providers in rural Minnesota and to discuss innovative ways to address those issues in Northeast Minnesota. The meeting is part of the Rural Health Initiative Sen. Franken kicked off last month.
Sen. Franken said rural communities in Minnesota and across the country face unique barriers to accessing quality health care services that urban communities don’t face. He and his staff will be holding similar meetings in communities across Minnesota in the coming weeks and months to identify the top health care needs in rural America.
“Rural communities in Minnesota and across the country face unique challenges when it comes to ensuring access to quality health care for residents,” said Sen. Franken. “As the Co-Chair of the Senate’s bipartisan Rural Health Caucus, I want to make addressing those challenges a top Senate priority. My office’s Rural Heath Tour is part of that important effort.”
Making Rural Health a Top Priority
Last year, Sen. Franken helped introduce bipartisan legislation to support rural health care delivery systems, and to provide innovative, sustainable health care solutions for patients in rural America. Specifically, the legislation would have provided access to hospitals, doctors, and ambulance services in rural areas. He said he will press similar efforts in the new Congress.
WHO: U.S. Sen. Al Franken, local rural health policy experts
WHAT: Hold discussion on top health care needs of patients and providers in rural Minnesota
WHEN: Saturday, January 17 at 3 p.m.
WHERE: Sawtooth Mountain Clinic, 513 5th Ave. W., Grand Marais