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EDA Open House draws good numbers

The Joint Economic Development Authority had a successful open house this week. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with EDA President Mark Sandbo about the event.


“Sea Change" - Lake Superior Climate Change Presentation

Northland College student Julia Fair and Katya Gordon of Amicus Adventure Sailing will be discussing their plan to address climate change in the Lake Superior watershed.


Take a Hike with the Cook County Invasives Team

The Cook County Invasive Team works to control the introduction and spread of invasive species across the county.   WTIP's Jana Berka spoke with the coordinator of the


Wet week ahead with sun at the end of the tunnel

Rain and cool weather for the week, but a sunny weekend ahead. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with meteorologist Carol Christenson.


Funds slowly drying up to maintain USFS roads

The hundreds of miles of U.S.Forest Service roads in Cook County are in danger of becomming harder to drive and less safe for visitors and locals alike.


Weekend News Roundup for May 10

Each week the WTIP news team puts together a roundup of the week's news.


Sheriff Falk to take early retirement

Cook County Sheriff Mark Falk has decided to retire June 30 instead of waiting until his term is completed. Falk previously announced he was not seeking reelection.


Printmaking Intensive: Seeing Possiblitites

MCAD instructor and printmaker Mary Leikvold will be teaching at the Grand Marais Art Colony May 29th through June 1st.


ATV Safety Instructor Chuck Silence talks about the upcoming DNR Youth ATV Safety Training Course

During the month of May, the DNR holds a Youth ATV Safety Training Course for students from the ages of 12-15.


Weather: cool with showers

Week ahead looks cool and the melt will continue to be slow – which is a good thing. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Steve Gohde.