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Weekend News Roundup for June 14

Each week the WTIP news team puts together a roundup of the week's news.


Becky Rom of Sustainable Ely on mining in Cook County

On May 21, Becky Rom, one of the founders of the Sustainable Ely project gave a presentation in Grand Marais about the effects of copper and precious metal mining in Northeastern Minnesota, including


North Shore Landowner Workshop: Friday, June 13

If you’d like to learn more about restoring and managing your forest property, there’s a Landowner Workshop this Friday that can help you.  WTIP volunteer Julie Carlson spoke with Way


AEOA Offers Housing Assistance

There are services available for folks needing assistance with housing in our area, as well as those experiencing crisis situations.  WTIP host Julie Carlson spoke with Michelle Lampton


Wildflower Walks with the Cook County Invasive Team

The Cook County Invasive Team's coordinator Angelique Edgerton talked to WTIP about the upcoming events this season.


Honoring Choices Health Care Directive Workshop, June 14

On Saturday, June 14, The North Shore Health Care Foundation will host a workshop to assist people with completing their health care directives.


Take a Hike on National Trails Day: June 7

The Superior Hiking Trail Association is planning a hike celebration and trail project for National Trails Day, on Sat


Icebox Radio Live Theater Comes to Grand Marais on June 13

The Icebox Radio Theater will be presenting a series of performances in public libraries across Northern Minnesota this June.  At each stop, the Theater will perform: "On the Air!" - a


Summer in the Park

Stand up paddle boarding, a little free library, master gardners in Harbor Park, and golf at Gunflint Hills.  North Shore Morning host Tracy Benson spoke with Rec Park Manager Dave Tersteeg for a


Senator Franken Discusses Concerns Over "Stalking Apps"

Stalking app’s on Smartphones have the potential for abuse.  WTIP’s Gary Atwood spoke with Minnesota’s U.S. Senator Al Franken about concerns over these apps.