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Weekend News Roundup for June 21

Each week the WTIP news team puts together a roundup of the week's news.


Lake Superior Binational Forum on preventing flood damage

WTIP talked to Lissa Radke of the Lake Superior Binational forum about some enviromentally friendly ways to prevent flood damage in urban areas.


The Explorer's Club ventures out

The Explorer's Club is a field-trip based youth program for 6 through 11 year olds that meets Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


Andrew Beavers on the recent Lutsen Township Board Meeting

WTIP talked to Andrew Beavers, supervisor of the Lutsen Township Board, about their most recent meeting.


Zipline project appears to be at the end of its line

If statements by developer Matt Geretschlaeger are taken at face value, his more than two-year effort to make Superior Zipline a reality has ended and the Gunflint Trail property he obtained from the


Grand Opening of Gunflint Trail Firehall #3

The Gunflint Trail Volunteer Department Firehall #3 and Seagull Lake Community Center had their grand opening on June 17th, with more than 200 people coming to celebrate.


Summer Exhibitions at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery

From abstract painting to Aboriginal art - it’s a busy summer at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery.


Learn About 'Mysterious Mushrooms' at Sugarloaf Cove: June 21

Charlie Danielson from Up North Fungi will be helping to take some of the mystery out of mushrooms and teaching about their place in a s


Oddz and Endz Store Opens in Grand Marais

There's a new business in Grand Marais called 'Oddz & Endz.'  WTIP volunteer, Marnie McMillan, spoke with EvaLyn Carlson and Arvis Thompson on North Shore Morning about this


'Tending the Trees' during Gunflint GreenUp: June 28

The annual Gunflint GreenUp is an ongoing effort and on Saturday June 28th there’s an opportunity to ‘Tend the Trees’.