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Weekend News Roundup for May 3

Each week the WTIP news team puts together a roundup of the week's news.


Gala for the Grove: A Fundraiser for Birch Grove Community School

On May 17, the fourth annual "Gala for the Grove" will take place at Surfside in Tofte. The auction held at the gala is a fundraiser for Birch Grove Community School.


Clinic administrator reviews recent board activity

Affordable Care Act enrollments are up ND IT’S Move it in May month. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Sawtooth Mountain Clinic CEO Rita Plourde.


Wolf Ridge director discusses fish passage culverts

A fish passage culvert is good for fish, good for invertebrates and an excellent learning experience for the kids visiting Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center.


Law Enforcement getting ready for the busy season

A relatively quiet month for law enforcement. No part time deputies for summer and Prom! WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Cook County Sheriff mark Falk.


Action Signs: Your Youngster's Behavioral Health Thermometers

Children often have different ways of experiencing and handling stress than adults, and may have trouble coping with issues in their lives.  WTIP volunteer Sherrie Lindskog spoke with Grace Busha


Great Lakes shipping season is off to a slow start

The late season ice on Lake Superior has the shipping season off to a slow start.


A look into the past and future of Boreal Access

For nearly 20 years, local non-profit ISP Boreal Access has been connecting people in Cook County to the internet and giving them daily news and events through its community-supported homepage.


Green Step Cities Meeting, Monday April 28

GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance, and recognition program to help Minnesota cities achieve  sustainability and quality-of-life goals.


Learn more about affordable housing options

Affordable housing is a growing concern in Cook County, and there will be an informational meeting to provide assistance for potential home-buyers.  WTIP host Joe Detrick spoke wit