Learn more about affordable housing options
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Affordable housing is a growing concern in Cook County, and there will be an informational meeting to provide assistance for potential home-buyers. WTIP host Joe Detrick spoke with Abby Tofte, Cook County EDA Advocate, and Andrew Beavers, Lutsen Township Supervisor, about the upcoming affordable housing informational meeting on Tuesday April 29th at 7pm at Lutsen Resort Conference Room.
--Leah Hall, Housing Project Manager for AEOA (Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency),
--Pat Campanaro, Cook County EDA/SBDC Small Business Consultant,
--Bruce Martinson(Cook County Commissioner)
--Andrew Beavers(Newly Elected Lutsen Township Supervisor) & Abby Hedstrom Tofte(EDA Housing Advocate)
I. Introductions
II. Resources for starting a business in Cook County (10 minutes)
A. Overview of services - Pat Campanaro
B. Handouts
1. "A Guide To Starting a Business in Minnesota" by Small Business Development Center at UMD's Center
for Economic Development
2. Info on the Cook County Revolving Loan Fund and other funding sources
III. Affordable Housing
A. Go Team Survey - Highlights on housing
B. Current availability of housing for ownership- Kim Wolff of Timberwolff Realty
C. Fradenburg Creek Sites in Schroeder as case study on affordable lots
D. Potential future availability of land for development into affordable lots
E. How can AEOA help us in Cook County- Leah Hall
1. Assist buyers of existing homes with down payment, financing and mortgage payments
2. Assist Cook County/West end in developing affordable lots
F. Input from attendees
1. What has been your experience in finding affordable home ownership on the West end of Cook County?
2. What has been the greatest barrier keeping you from buying a home or land in Cook County?
3. Are you looking for an affordable existing structure? If yes, what is your price range?
4. Are you looking for a low priced build-able lot? If yes, what is your price range?
5. What size property are you interested in buying or building a structure on?
6. What is the maximum distance you are willing to drive or carpool from your home to work?