Local News
ARMER information discussed at commissioner meeting
-At this week’s county board meeting, commissioners heard extensive presentations on the ARMER system as well as the cost to the county for the special prosecutor in the Scannell case.
Arts have big impact on region's economy
-A recent study shows how important the arts are to the economy…especially here in the Arrowhead. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with Minnesota Citizens for the Arts director Sheila Smith.
Emergency personnel present ARMER info to County Board
-At Tuesday’s County Board meeting, a number of presentations were made regarding the ARMER emergency communications system. WTIPs Gary Atwood has this report.
Spring programs at North House Folk School
-There's a lot going on at North House Folk School as winter transitions into spring.
Judge to decide Lake View Dairy case within 90 days
-A public hearing was held at Cook County Courthouse yesterday in the ongoing case between the Lake View Natural Dairy of Grand Marais and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Lake View owner
GES enrollment window open
-Enrollments open house is this Friday morning at Great Expectations. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with administrator Peter James and Kindergarten teacher Sue Butter.
Sugarloaf Cove offers March 14 presentation on Mercury Measurement in Birds of Prey
-There is relatively little known about mercury levels in wild birds of prey, and there will be an opportunity to learn more at this weekend’s presentation at Sugarloaf Cove Nature Center in Schr
WTIP’s First Thursday is a special on Care Center 50th
-This weekend the Cook County Care Center will celebrate 50 years in the community.
Grand Marais chosen as "Coolest Small Town In America"
-Grand Marais has been chosen the “Coolest Small Town in America” and there will be a “Toast the Town” party Friday evening, March 6. WTIP volunteer Marnie McMillan spoke w
Grand Marais Art Colony prepares for spring and beyond
-As the spring season approaches, the Grand Marais Art Colony is gearing up for new classes as well as planning for summer and fall events. WTIP