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Weekend News Roundup for February 21

Each week the WTIP news department puts together a roundup of the weeks top    news stories. Wolves are back under protected status in the Great Lakes.


Cook County Invasive Species Team welcomes new coordinator

Cook County and Lake County Invasive Teams work to prevent invasive species within the counties, and Laurel Wilson is the new Cook County Team coordinator. WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson spoke wi


Birth Partners hosts "doula" informational meeting February 19

Birth Partners is a new community partnership forming around the needs of growing families.  WTIP volunteer Tracy Benson spoke with Erin Huggins on North Shore Morning. 


GES' Peter James discusses the school's recent high quality rating

Great Expectations has been named one of 22 high quality charter schools in Minnesota. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with GES administrator Peter James.



Commissioner Storlie reports on this week's board meeting

The Cook County Board met this week and highway signage was a big topic. WTIPs Jay Andersen spoke with 5th District Commissioner Ginny Storlie.


Moratorium on Cook County Chevron Signs

The Cook County Highway Department had been planning to erect as many as 100 reflective chevron signs along curves on the Gunflint Trail.


Grand Marais Lioness Club Pancake Breakfast - February 21

Offering all-you-can-eat blueberry pancakes as part of the menu, the Grand Marais Lioness Club pancake breakfast is coming up this Saturday.


Workshop on 'Wetlands in Watersheds' offered February 26

All are invited to an informational workshop discussing the science of wetlands and their role in watersheds.


Business as usual at Buck's with or without Radio Shack

Even though Radio Shack is going through bankruptcy, it should have little effect on Buck's shop in Grand Marais.


'Great Place Project' is Networking Luncheon topic on February 19

This month’s Networking Luncheon will focus on the 2015 Great Place Project.