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WTIP says farewell to Lissa Radke - long-time voice of the Lake Superior Binational Forum

The Lake Superior Binational Forum recently lost its EPA funding, and as a result WTIP will lose one of its monthly voices, that of Lissa Radke, coordinator with the Forum. WTIP host Joey De


Lutsen Township Board Annual Meeting and Election Results

The Lutsen Township Board recently held their annual meeting and elections on March 10.


"Once Upon a Folktale" storytelling class offered at North House March 27&28

“Once Upon a Folktale” is a storytelling class being offered at North House Folk School. WTIP volunteer Mark Abrahamson spoke with instructor

Lake Superior Project/Logo by Lauryl Loberg

LSP: The Environmental Cost of Road Salts

We often rely on road salts for winter driving safety, but their use is controversial. In this edition of the Lake Superior Project, we learn about the impact of these salts on the environment.


Lake View Dairy and new administrator progress discussed at Board Meeting

A resolution regarding Lake View Dairy, progress on hiring an administrator and a busy West End.  WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Commissioner Ginny Storlie about this week’s County Bo


Inuit Premier opens at Sivertson Gallery - March 20&21

From throat singing to original Canadian Inuit prints, soapstone carvings and Native Alaskan sculptures, the 15th annual Inuit Premiere opens this weekend at Sivertson Gallery in Grand Marais. WT


County Board votes in support of local dairy

The Cook County Board has voted on a resolution to support the rights of Lake View Dairy in their conflict with the state’s department of agriculture…but not the resolution with which the


Northwoods Food Project will learn how our food dollars are spent with "Green Dollar Survey"

The Northwoods Food Project was founded eight years ago and is working to develop programs to increase local food production.


Area retailers meet to promote community engagement

There’s a new plan to help area retailers collaborate and engage with the community. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with Suzanne Sherman and Jill Terrill on North Shore Morning. 


5th Annual Girl Scout Father-Daughter Dance, March 20

Featuring live music and snacks, the Cook County Girl Scouts will be hosting their 5th annual Father-Daughter Dance.