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The return of the Alberta Clipper?

An Alberta Clipper could be coming to the area this weekend. Not as much as January, but more like winter than spring.


Gordon Thorne talks about the Fingerstyle Masters Weekend on April 8-9

WTIP volunteer Yvonne Mills spoke with organizer and guitarist Gordon Thorne about the 6th Annual Fingerstyle Masters Weekend on North Shore Morning.


Healthy living programs continue at clinic

A number of healthy living programs are currently going on at Sawtooth Mountain Clinic. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with clinic CEO Rita Plourde.


Bald eagle nest crashes down near Grand Marais

A bald eagle nest that sat high on a birch tree between Highway 61 and Lake Superior near Grand Marais blew down recently. WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs brings us this story.


Group of four to paddle from Seagull Lake to Hudson Bay this summer

Grand Marais resident Tessa Larson will join three other women this summer in a canoeing trip from Seagull Lake all the way to Hudson Bay.


Rep. Rick Nolan on Cuba then and now

In 1977 a small team of negotiators went to Cuba to secure the release of five Americans being held as war prisoners in Cuba. Rep.


Looks like March will go out, neither lamb nor lion

A couple of days of nice weather, but with snow or rain on the horizon and colder temps toward the weekend.


WTIP Weekend News Roundup for March 26

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Relief for Iron Range workers has finally materialized.


Bent Paddle owners visit Silver Bay, beer remains banned

Owners of the Bent Paddle Brewery visited the Silver Bay City Council on Monday, March 21.


Easter weekend snowfall predicted

If you’re hiding Easter eggs outdoors on Saturday, be sure they’re brightly colored, because snow is on the way.