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Bill Ratner, author of "Parenting for the Digital Age," to speak in Grand Marais Tuesday, March 8

If you’ve ever wondered about the effect of technology and digital media on children, there will be a presentation on the topic by author and voiceover professional Bill Ratner at the Arrowh


Party faithful make caucus choices

Yesterday was caucus day in Minnesota. Democrats and Republicans met to propose resolutions for their conventions, select delegates and hold preferential presidential polls.


CopperDog sled race in Michigan featured North Shore mushers

The CopperDog Sled Race took place in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula during the last weekend in February.


More thawing as the week goes on

Looks like some chilly weather at the front of the week, but warming up considerably as the week progresses. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service meteorologist Amanda Graning.

Lake Superior Project/Logo by Lauryl Loberg

Lake Superior streams: How cold is cold enough?

A species of fish along the North Shore is being used to help understand possible warming trends for Lake Superior streams and rivers. WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs has this report. 


WTIP Weekend News Roundup for February 27

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Mining issues were again in the news this week.


Good weekend to get out and play in the snow

Looks like a pretty nice weekend for skiers and snowmobilers and the rest of Cook County winter lovers. Comfortable temperatures and a little measurable snow.


Super Tuesday, March 1 is caucus night

Minnesota's caucus night is coming Tuesday, March 1st.


MN Health Care Home re-certification received by clinic

Sawtooth Mountain Clinic has been re-certified for its care coordination program. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with clinic CEO Rita Plourde and program coordinator Teresa Borak.


Meet the host of National Native News: Antonia Gonzales

If you're a frequent listener to WTIP, you’ve probably heard the voice of Antonia Gonzales, the host of National Native News, which is a regular news segment played on the station.