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Logging truck accident near Lutsen injures three

As reported live on WTIP March, 7, three people were injured Tuesday afternoon in an automobile accident involving a logging truck that spilled its cargo across Highway 61 near Lutsen and the Caribou


Hospital takes home health care cut

The hospital’s home health care program took a 37 and ½ percent cut from the county.

Winter sun rays over Susie Islands. Photo by Travis Novitsky

Nature Conservancy offers Susie Island to Grand Portage Band

The Nature Conservancy has offered Susie Island to the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa.


Community Conversation: Curtis Gagnon discusses American Indian Treaty Rights, traditions and spiritual values

Back in 1984, Grand Portage Band Member Curtis Gagnon shot a moose at the right time and in the wrong place.


EIS approval far from Polymet's end goal

A proposed mining project near Hoyt Lakes took a big step forward last week when an Environmental Impact Statement was approved by the DNR.


Nature Conservancy aims to purchase Lake Superior shoreline near U.S.border

The Nature Conservancy of Canada aims to purchase property along Lake Superior near the U.S. border. WTIP's Joe Friedrichs reports on this story. 


WTIP Weekend News Roundup for March 5

Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. This was caucus week and there were big turnouts.


DNR finds Polymet project review 'adequate'

DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr announced Thursday, March 3, that the Environmental Impact Statement for Polymet Mining's Northmet Project meets state standards.


March turns warm with snow and maybe rain

March is warming up. This weekend will have highs in the 40’s, a little snow and maybe even rain as we get into the week.


North House expands campus with building purchase

The North House Folk School in Grand Marais expanded its campus this week and moved a portion of the school across Highway 61. WTIP’s Joe Friedrichs brings us this story.