Local News
New name and logo for hospital
-North Shore Health is the new name for Cook County’s hospital and care center. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with hospital administrator Kimber Wraalstad about new IDs, art and disasters
Local youths lead group picking up trash on Lake Superior shores
-Earth Day is on April 22 this year, and in recognition of that a group led by local youths in the community went out to pick up trash on the shores of Lake Superior in Grand Marais.
Sen. Tom Bakk: input to the county board on mining resolution was non-threatening
-Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk is embroiled in a controversy over a mining resolution discussed and not acted upon by the county board. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with the District 3 Senat
Preparation continues for group traveling from Seagull Lake to Hudson Bay
-A group of four women are planning a trip from Seagull Lake at the end of the Gunflint Trail to Hudson Bay this summer.
Grand Marais event highlights DNR trout management plans along North Shore
-There was an open house Tuesday, April 19 at the Cook County Community Center to discuss the DNR’s Lake Superior Fisheries Management Plan in Minnesota.
Spiny waterfleas disrupt the ecology of area lakes
-It’s a tiny organism that’s infiltrated many Minnesota lakes causing large disruptions in the aquatic biomass even here in Cook County. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with aqu
Familiar faces bring changes to Camp Menogyn
-YMCA Camp Menogyn up the Gunflint Trail has some changes to the management staff.
Dental care as part of a total health picture
-Dental care is an important part of the concept of total health care. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with clinic CEO Rita Plourde and health care foundation director Karl Hansen about an
LSProject: Water levels tell a story in Lake Superior
-Lake Superior is up two inches in April from where it was in 2015. What does this mean on bigger scope and why are water levels important in Lake Superior?
Bent Paddle beer ban continues to stir issues in Silver Bay
-The issue of Bent Paddle Beer being removed from the city-owned liquor store in Silver Bay continues to stir controversy. This time, it comes in the form of a new fire truck.