Local News
Housing forum at North House builds framework for action
-Mary Tingerthal is the Commissioner for Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, an organization that strives for safe, decent and affordable housing across the state.
LSProject: The Hovland plane crash
-A Cessna 185 disappeared in the fall of 1971, and no trace of the plane or its three occupants was found until nearly 12 years later.
The week starts out with nice fall weather
-There are a couple of nice days in store for us before it clouds over mid-week. WTIP’s Jay Andersen spoke with National Weather Service Meteorologist Mike Stewart about comfortable, but br
One year down, one to go on care center construction
-Construction keeps rolling along at the North Shore Health care center site. WTIP’s Jay Andersen brings the project up to date with administrator Kimber Wraalstad.
Weekend News Roundup for September 17
-Each week the WTIP news staff compiles a review of news from the previous five days. Shooting suspect back in court, a trial date is set. WTIP add staff to its news department.
Owners discuss history and potential sale of historic Naniboujou Lodge
-The historic Naniboujou Lodge and Restaurant along North Shore is up for sale.
Rhonda Silence to join WTIP news staff
-Long time print editor Rhonda Silence is joining the WTIP North Shore Community Radio news staff.
Radio Waves 2016: Thank you and highlights
-WTIP's 9th annual Radio Waves Music Festival took place September 9 to 11, and what a weekend it was! A big thank-you to everyone who helped make the event a success.